No more tears and no more onion smell on your hands, my improved onion chopper has this rubbering 'rose' handle, which gives user a nice grip, and at the same time it can be a decoration in the kitchen, when friends come surprise them with it!
4 pleasures analysis:
- easy to use and clean
- nice decoration in the kitchen
- talking point
- easy to clean
- save time
- safety to use
- sustainability
- young lady ages around 18 - 29
- living away from home, no kitchen experience so easy to get cut , also saves her time
- love inviting friends to her place
- maybe working as a hand model or love her nails
i like how you have solved the issue of tearing up when cutting onions, this is a problem i often experience and also that the smell of onions in contained within the container.
i also like that you have made a kitchen utensil also a decoration.
Things that could be improved about this design is,
i think that maybe the rose handle is not quite sturdy enough and when alot of pressure is being put on it, it is likely to break or move.
also the whole object is quite large and i dont think that many people in your target market would have very large kitchen as they are young. kitchen space is often quite hard to find and maybe an object so big would take up alittle too much space.
1. To be able to cut the onions without having to hold it with your hands, and have the cutting mechanism on the inside of the product, so that the fumes are kept within, solves the problem onion matter getting everywhere.
2. I think that the handle is possible a bit to small and or fragile to be used whilst pumping the handle up and down. Using a rose as decoration is a good idea, but maybe a change in its proportion and size.
I like how you have made the rose handle as a decoration which can add colour to the kitchen and how you have solved the problem of tearing up and getting cut.
However I think the rose handle wouldn't be that strong so it is likely to break if i you put some pressure on it. SO you can maybe improve the function of your poduct by changing the shape of the handle little bit to improve the strength of the handle.
I find this product quite interesting as it is an onion chopper but also doubles as decoration in the kitchen. However, saying that I feel it hasn’t quite reached its potential in the aesthetic as well as the functionality area. If this product were to be developed further I’m believe it may be quite successful as the idea is quite interesting.
It's great how you masked the products actual use with sort of a more decorative look. At first glance no doubt I would think that it would just be another vase holding a pink rose, but then upon closer inspection its quite visible that there is a spring mechanism involved which suggests that there is more to this product than first thought. Having the onion isolated inside the container is a great idea. Only thing I'm unsure of is your handle. Might be too fragile, or could have been something else.Continous use might ruin the handle. Apart from that, good idea and great outcome.
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